My Struggle with Anger

Anger is such a misunderstood emotion to me. I am going to admit lately I seem to have struggled with waves of anger. Everything from political issues to issues on the home front, it has been a challenge for me to stay cool. Somedays I am not mad at certain situations and other days no... Continue Reading →

Messiness of Motherhood

Motherhood comes in all shapes and sizes. It comes in the most unexpected ways to some and never finds its way to others. I can vividly remember the day in January of 2003 when I was living on the campus of University of Houston and had gone to the campus health clinic for an issue... Continue Reading →

10 things Nursing has taught me

Happy Nurses Week! And Teachers Week! And any other profession out there who serves those in our community. I applaud you.  Hard to believe I have been a nurse for 13 years. Some days I feel like I am just getting started and other days I feel like I have been doing this a million... Continue Reading →

Just buy the cake

I went online to pay our mortgage this past weekend and there was a sign in English on the website that said "Now available in Spanish." My first thought was Oh how nice, they are trying to adhere to the needs of the Spanish-speaking population. Then my very next thought was wait, why would you... Continue Reading →

My Redemption Story

I love Easter. To me it is a time of renewed sense of who we are in Christ and what He did for us. It also means cascarones, chocolate Easter bunnies and family dinners. A few of my favorite things. But I can't help but think of my own redemption story. Each of us has... Continue Reading →

Let the words of my mouth…

I have always been my biggest baddest enemy. When it comes to opening my mouth, eating more then my fair share of food, over exaggerating an event which occurred, overthinking things which don’t exist, at the end of the day it all boils down to me. The month of January was a time of dedicated... Continue Reading →

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